Monday, May 9, 2016

6 Things You Will Need For Your Avon Vendor Event

Every summer, I try to find a few vendor events in my area to participate in. Vendor events are great ways to meet your community. They usually are held in a school or a community center and have many different people from different companies in attendance. Vendor events help advertise your business, help raise money for local programs and also help to sell through your Avon inventory. While these all seem like great reasons to attend a vendor event, my number one goal for every event is to meet people and learn more about my community. I love the idea of meeting other vendors, meeting new people in my town and asking about their Avon needs. The more I know my customers, the more I will understand how Avon can help them. If I can have some great conversations with people, gather contact information for future meetings and pass out catalogs, then I've had a great event!

When preparing for a vendor event, there are a few things that I must have. This list is not comprehensive but has helped me to be prepared for my events.

1. Catalogs    This is the best way to start a conversation with a potential customer. Many times, shoppers will walk past table after table and not stop to look at any of them. I always try to have a catalog in my hand and offer one to every person that walks by. Most will take the catalog and be on their way but some will stop and look at your table. This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions about their Avon needs. If you don't have many current catalogs, try to reuse some of the old catalogs that you have around the house. Add a sticker to the front with your contact information and a place where they can call to get a current catalog.

2. Raffle Item and Tickets    I have found that this is the best way to ask for someone's contact information. Time and time again, you give your information and hear nothing back. If you can ask for their information, then you are the one who can call! Brilliant! Find a small gift bag and put in a small item from your stock as well as a business card, a few samples and a catalog. Display the bag on your table and tell every person about the raffle. People can enter to win the item if they fill out a slip with their contact information.

3. Samples    Lotion samples and fragrance samples have been the items most asked for. Purchase a mini hand lotion in every scent and label them 'Sample' for your table. Customers want to touch and smell your products. Give them the opportunity to fall in love with the quality of your Avon products.

4. $5 and Under Basket    If you are like me, I have lots of products in my stock and sometimes I struggle with what to bring to an event. By far, my best sales come from my $5 and under basket. At least a week before your event, go through what products you will bring with you and put price tags on the front of every item. It is up to you what you want to charge for your items in your stock. I usually go with the current catalog price however, if I have some outlet items, then I will usually discount them. A $5 and under basket is so helpful for your customers to just browse through your items. Why not make their shopping experience as easy as possible?

5. Credit Card Reader    There are many options that you can use for a credit card reader. I personally use the Square Card Reader. It is simple and plugs right into my phone. Customers have the option of receiving receipts via email or text as well. This is the best way for you secure a sale right then. My card reader was free and they charge a percentage of the sale as a processing fee. This is much safer than taking checks and more convenient than cash.

6. Products    The products that usually sell the best in a vendor event situation are the well known, most loved products. Be sure to always have on hand Skin So Soft Bath Oil, Bug Guard, Silicone Glove Hand Cream, Glazewear Lipgloss, black Glimmersticks, black Mascaras, and different colors of nail polish. Your customers will come to your table because they love Avon. They will buy from you because of you! Have the staples on hand and be sure to always sell with a smile.

Enjoy vendor event season! Happy Selling!


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